As these well equipped servants of God landed in Freetown-Sierra Leone through Gambia Nov.16-20, 2022 for the opening of a built Church, Sunday Nov.20,2022 through seen/shown commitment dedication, devotion of a friend, Pastor Robert Steve Logan JR./Upperroom Church, Alabama (Cell 205 774 4407) and UCCMA through Rev. Dr. Pat Hayes.
A brief history on Freetown Sierra Leone:
It was a British colony in West Africa and its bordered with Guinea Conakry, a French colony.
Sierra Leone was ravaged by a 10 year rebellion some 17 years ago where some victims suffered long & short sleeves amputation according to them with pregnancy opened to prove a point through a guess by rebels if the baby in was a boy or girl costing lives of those women. Many Sierra Leoneans were asking if these rebels were human beings considering their actions. It will sadden you to know that this very country, Sierra Leone had a landslide some 5 years ago where over 1500 lives perished as you view the photos. This Church is an extension of our Church. His presence was felt among His own. This event coincided with a 6th year Anniversary Celebration of this young but growing branch of our Ministry as you view the photos of fellowship after the opening ceremony.
The participation of this great Team from Alabama and Indianna U.S. (Bishop Brandon Blevins (Cell 513 374 4234) continued with one of the greatest Revival ever held with us in our Headquarters Church in Serrekunda, Gambia regardless the challenges faced such as fueling of the 2 buses, renting 4 vans for 3 days and feeding a couple hundreds after Sunday morning joint service as you watch the photos, it was a success.
Do please pray with us towards that which God intends through such a young growing Ministry and in a 97% Islam dominated country of ours, Gambia.